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Media buying models: CPM, CPC, CPL, CPA, CPE, CPS, CPI, CPV, PPC, and more!

A breakdown of the various different digital marketing media buying models available, what they mean, and the pros and cons of each.


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A media buying model sounds complicated but simply refers to 2 very connected things: how advertisers are charged for ad placements, and how campaigns are optimized for performance.

The problem, of course, is that modern mobile marketing has its own language and its very own mega-galaxy of acronyms. To a new digital marketer, they can be bewildering. Even experienced mobile marketers often have to turn to Google and re-check a seldom-used acronym. Even worse, many of them overlap, causing yet more confusion.

Let’s start by listing the common as well as less common media buying models in mobile. Then we’ll define them below.

They include:

  • CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • CPL (cost per lead)
  • CPA (cost per action
  • CPE (cost per engagement)
  • CPS (cost per sale)
  • CPI (cost per install)
  • CPV (cost per view)
  • PPC (pay per call)

While they don’t have fancy acronyms, there’s also flat rate or fixed-cost placements, sometimes done via a sponsorship model, or lifetime cost for brands that want permanent exposure on certain channels.

OK: let’s dive into each one …

CPM: cost per thousand impressions

Before you ask: yes, it is odd that CPM translates to “cost per thousand” but has an “M” and not a “T.” That’s because, just to make it a little more challenging, marketing experts have thrown a little old, dead, mostly forgotten language in for your pleasure (or perhaps theirs).

Yes, we’re talking about Latin. (But not pig Latin!)

CPM is short for cost per thousand impressions (the M is the Roman numeral abbreviation for 1,000.) CPM is one of the most common ways of buying digital media. You essentially pay for every time your ad loads on a webpage or in an app. It’s a simple way to buy, but over the past decade it’s come under increasing scrutiny because the client is charged for the impression whether or not a consumer actually sees it.

On the web, for example, if the ad appears below the browser window and the user never scrolls down, the advertiser still pays. On mobile, the same is true. This can be vulnerable to fraud, with a typical scenario being a fraudster loading up 5, 10, or 15 ads in the same space, stacked over top of each other.

CPM has traditionally been used for brand campaigns, not performance campaigns, because it’s a pre-action metric: no conversions involved. Ultimately, however, some marketers are so used to it they’ll often back out a cost-per-click (CPC) or a cost-per-action (CPA) or a cost-per-lead (CPL) from the CPM that the ad network quoted them.

CPC: cost per click

CPC is probably the simplest media buying model to understand. And no, there’s no Latin involved.

CPC is cost per click advertising. Here the advertiser (that’s you) pays when a click is made on an ad. Some advertisers prefer to buy CPC versus CPM because they believe they only pay when someone is interested enough in the message to want more info. And that’s likely true. Some CPC programs are very effective.

The problem is that there is serious potential for fraud if a company deliberately uses bots or some other technique to drive clicks that are not actually initiated by a real person.

Which is why, as you get deeper and deeper into media buying models that involve measurable metrics, you need fraud prevention solutions to ensure you’re getting what you pay for.

CPL: cost per lead

Cost per lead is not a common model for mobile marketers or even consumer-focused marketers. It’s much more common in B2B or business development scenarios.

With a CPL media buying model, you as an advertiser pay a publisher or an affiliate when a lead form is completed and submitted. As mentioned, CPL is common in B2B marketing, where it is unlikely that someone will make a purchase immediately. It can be a very effective way to buy, though there is some risk of fraud if bots are programmed to fill in leads automatically, or if smart affiliates target people who were going to become a hot lead anyway.

That’s a little harder to do, however, than to fire off fake clicks.

CPA, CPE, and CPS: cost per action, cost per engagement or cost per event, and cost per sale

Remember I said there was overlap between many of the acronyms covering mobile media buying models? Well that’s where we are with CPA, CPE, and CPS.

CPA is often cost-per-action in the mobile marketing world, which means you pay for certain actions taken by a user in your app, such as registering for an account or making their first purchase. (That’s why it’s very similar to CPE: cost per event. And, of course, CPS, or cost per sale, is also an action and, technically, an event.)

Whether it’s an action, acquisition, event, or sale, however, the point is that advertisers only pay if something happens. That’s why CPA is a relatively low-risk way to buy media because the advertiser only pays when a user takes definable steps, or when you recognize revenue.

(As usual, there are ways for this to be gamed by fraudsters as well.)

Some media companies won’t sell media this way because they assume all the risk in the ad buy. If no one buys, they make no money. High-quality publishers with valuable inventory are more likely to want guaranteed revenue. But some can be enticed into CPA contracts if the value is high enough … and if they trust their inventory sufficiently.

CPI: cost per install

At last we come to the most-used media buying model in mobile growth, CPI.

CPI is an extremely common way to price mobile app install campaigns, and even if marketers use a different model, they’ll often work out an effective CPI based on the other model theoretically being used.

In mobile app marketing, CPI refers to media programs where the advertiser pays for every installed app. Lots of app marketing is purchased via CPI, because it is a fast way to drive installs. But, as in anything else, the quality of installs driven varies by media vendor. Some CPI vendors are extremely reputable, and work hard to find users that will likely use an app. Others use incentives in one app to get a user to install another app. Those “incentivized installs” can be low quality, although there are ways with playable ads to increase the quality.

As always, fraud is an issue as well: some fraudsters use bots to drive CPI campaigns and collect revenue. There are even still some physical install farms, where people manually install apps on hundreds or thousands of devices. Most of those are now entirely virtual, however.

CPV: cost per view

It’s rare, but there’s also CPV, or cost per view. If you have a super-valuable video, you might want to pay to have it seen on YouTube, and buy a sponsorship or a certain number of views at a specific cost per view.

Tracking and measurement can be a problem, though many ad networks will offer a view-through conversion model, of course. 

But since CPV is a top-funnel measurement and most mobile marketers are heavily performance-oriented, it’s much more rarely used.

PPC: pay-per-call

It’s old-school these days when millennials barely want to pick up a phone and use it for its original purpose, but there are also pay per call models for businesses that generate most of their revenue when prospects place a call to a sales executive.

It goes almost without saying: PPC is very rare in mobile marketing.

(Also: it’s worth mentioning that PPC in web marketing specifically tends to mean Pay Per Click, which of course is a very different thing.)

The million-dollar question: which model is best?

The easy answer is that there’s no easy answer. (Sorry!)

And there’s some truth to that. It really does depend upon your objectives, target, and what your media partners are willing to do for you. The most critical thing is to have high quality, unbiased third-party-verified information about the results each partner drives, whichever form of media buying you choose.

As previously mentioned, most advertising vendors reverse engineer a CPM from whatever buying model you choose. If, for example, your campaign is good at driving clicks, you’ll find more advertisers willing to take CPC because it reverse engineers into a good CPM. Most companies are looking to drive revenue from their advertising. You need to understand the revenue results of every effort, regardless of how you pay for it.

Ultimately, as a marketer, the best model for you is one that drives high-quality users who engage and retain.

If you get your pick, take a model that has a guarantee of return. CPM can be dangerous because you can burn through thousands of dollars with no visible impact. CPI can be dangerous because you can get thousands of low-quality installs. But both models can work if you’re a savvy marketer with good technology.

If you can get a CPA model with a high bounty on an action that indicates high predictive life-time value, take the deal. The question is whether you can get it.

Measuring results

Whatever model you buy media with, ensure you have a smart, unbiased, fraud-finding way to measure the results of your campaigns across all partners and all sources.

Here’s how to find out if Singular is right for you …

About the Author
John Koetsier

John Koetsier

John Koetsier is a journalist and analyst. He's a senior contributor at Forbes and hosts our Growth Masterminds podcast as well as the TechFirst podcast. At Singular, he serves as VP, Insights.

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