Success Stories

Read about our customers’ next-gen attribution & analytics journeys with us

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Kakao Games effectively tracks Cross-Platform performance with Singular

Innplay increases spend by 200x since their migration

NG.CASH increases downloads by 177% since migrating MMPs

Singular presented a pricing structure that didn’t limit feature functionality.

Said Salles

Co-Founder & CGO

Wildlife increases deterministically attributed installs by 20%

Whalo increases spend 3-4x since migrating to Singular

Tenpo reaches 60% ROI in operational costs in less than a year

DraftKings generates 100 links per minute with a 99% reduction in creation time

Playsome meets KPI goals and nets impressive growth with minimal resources


hours faster SKAN data


hours of work saved per week


apps migrated to Singular

Edouard Favier

User Acquisition Director

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